Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Uig, Isle of Lewis

Of all the beautiful places on the Isle of Lewis, few views can prepare you for the wind-swept, chiseled coastline of the western Isle of Lewis. The landscape is rocky and green and totally exposed to the north Atlantic. This is a place where it makes little sense to fence in the sheep or the highland cattle so time, like the grazing sheep slow idle of highland cattle as they look for better pasture. Your priorities and your sense of time are subordinated.

This is a place of solitude and peace, even as the winds off the Atlantic Ocean blow in. These photos from a pocket camera hardly do it justice, but even with the best of cameras, it is hard to describe the sound of the sea crashing onto the rocks, the smell of the sea and the feel of the wind blowing in from the Atlantic

It seems like you can see forever along the western horizon and watch the next weather system hours before it actually arrives. The sunsets inspire song, the landscape strengthens community. You feel like you are among the first souls to have touched the ground here. Pretty special place on this crowded planet.

- Derek

Location:Western Hebrides

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